How quarterly reviews can help keep your goals on track

It’s almost the end of August! We’ve gone through a great deal as a country in the past 8 months and as individuals too. I remember as if it were yesterday, setting out my targets for this year. Setting goals and resolutions. Plenty of us did. And then some of us wait until December to… Continue reading How quarterly reviews can help keep your goals on track

Why you shouldn’t bitch about your boss to anyone

It’s tempting. It really is. When you’re angry, and frustrated and you just want anyone who’ll listen to know what a horrible human being your boss or superior is, it’s tempting to go on a bitch fest. But it’s never a good idea, believe me, and there are multiple reasons you shouldn’t, and we’re going… Continue reading Why you shouldn’t bitch about your boss to anyone

Dear graduates, it’s a bad idea to apply for and accept just any job, here’s why.

Times are tough for a lot of people; everyone can see that. The formal employment sector is in the pits, we all know that, however, dear fellow graduates, getting any kind of job is not necessarily a good thing. Hold on and let me explain, here’s a sample conversation I’ve heard before: *“Sha I need… Continue reading Dear graduates, it’s a bad idea to apply for and accept just any job, here’s why.

If you want to be more creative, get bored!

Have you ever been so bored it takes you to the brink of tears? Boredom is a dreaded emotion, and with good reason. It sucks. And it makes you feel like your whole life sucks too. Whilst some people can’t handle being bored, and go on a self-destructive rampage, it can work some pretty impressive… Continue reading If you want to be more creative, get bored!

Your salary feels like it’s never enough

Keeping track of money movement is difficult, especially if you’ve never applied yourself to tracking your spending. It’s not a skill that you suddenly develop, or wake up with and it’s definitely not inborn. It’s really easy to spend, especially when the money is expressly yours. This is why it can be hard to keep… Continue reading Your salary feels like it’s never enough

How to build your self-confidence 101

I’ve heard people say they want to be more confident, show more boldness…that they wish they had enough self-confidence to give a speech. And when I’m having these conversations, it almost always implied that self-confidence is inborn. Yet, it’s not. It’s a real skill that needs to be built. It’s similar to a muscle, the… Continue reading How to build your self-confidence 101

I’m 24 and I’m still trying to find myself

Allow yourself to search for yourself

Have you ever lost yourself? Is it possible to lose yourself? I always find it a little strange when people talk about “finding yourself”, it’s a bit of an odd statement, but I’m finally willing to admit that I lost the plot a while ago. I honestly have no idea what I’m doing, and where… Continue reading I’m 24 and I’m still trying to find myself

If you loved the Game of Thrones books you should read The Wheel of Time series

Photo Illustration by Sarah Mackinnon

If you enjoyed reading A Song of Fire and Ice (adapted into Game of Thrones), you should definitely try the Wheel of Time series. It’s a fascinating series (but kind of old), and perfect for fantasy book lovers. I first read them when I was 12 (yes I was way ahead of my age by… Continue reading If you loved the Game of Thrones books you should read The Wheel of Time series

Why do birthdays in our 20s make us panic?

Image by pixel2013 from Pixabay

I’m 24 today (April 12th) and frankly, I wasn’t looking forward to my birthday at all. The spectre of reaching my mid-20s was hanging over my head, and I wasn’t anticipating making it official. Gone are the days when I could happily, and arrogantly say 22…because to me that’s the sweet spot. You’re so young… Continue reading Why do birthdays in our 20s make us panic?

When reading a book changes your life

When reading gives you life....Image by Freephotos on Pixabay

I read Half of a Yellow Sun, and Americanah, and I feel as if the ground has shifted beneath my feet. It’s not as if I have discovered Adiche for the first time, no, I read Purple Hibiscus years ago when I was still in high school. But back then I went through books like… Continue reading When reading a book changes your life