What’s really holding you back, honestly?

Breaking free

What’s really holding you back? Okay, this is a loaded a question, but a question I had to ask myself. Maybe my story will resonate with you, maybe it won’t…but here goes. Growing up I wanted to be many things…I’ve wanted to do many things career-wise. I remember dreaming of walking down a runway, decked… Continue reading What’s really holding you back, honestly?

Why I choose to remain hopeful in a continually hopeless situation

I will defend my hope

“They stole our dreams; they stole our future.” A mantra I’ve heard repeated again and again. I never really understood it before. I wasn’t affected by it when I was in high school, closeted away in a boarding school, living in our own little world. At 19, in university, up until I graduated I still… Continue reading Why I choose to remain hopeful in a continually hopeless situation

How to use comparison to propel yourself forward.

You can use comparison as a tool to get ahead

Comparison can be a very powerful tool, and today, I’ll show you why. That being said, it’s odd how many times you read or hear this mantra about not comparing yourself to others. Of how you’re different and all those other things people say, making it seem super easy to simply not compare yourself to… Continue reading How to use comparison to propel yourself forward.