What’s really holding you back, honestly?

Breaking free

What’s really holding you back? Okay, this is a loaded a question, but a question I had to ask myself. Maybe my story will resonate with you, maybe it won’t…but here goes. Growing up I wanted to be many things…I’ve wanted to do many things career-wise. I remember dreaming of walking down a runway, decked… Continue reading What’s really holding you back, honestly?

Learning to be best friends with yourself and why it matters

I never fully understood the importance of being best friends with yourself until I had a meltdown in the middle of the night. I said a lot of unkind things to myself, a lot of thoughts that honestly shouldn’t see the light of day. The next day I woke up to the realization that I… Continue reading Learning to be best friends with yourself and why it matters

Remembering that we are not immortal and to live thus.

“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose…“ Steve Jobs I often forget this. It’s easy to forget that we are not immortal; that I am going to die, and so are you, and everyone you know. It’s a… Continue reading Remembering that we are not immortal and to live thus.

Why I choose to remain hopeful in a continually hopeless situation

I will defend my hope

“They stole our dreams; they stole our future.” A mantra I’ve heard repeated again and again. I never really understood it before. I wasn’t affected by it when I was in high school, closeted away in a boarding school, living in our own little world. At 19, in university, up until I graduated I still… Continue reading Why I choose to remain hopeful in a continually hopeless situation

10 Things to Ask Yourself Before Setting New Goals For the Year

It’s easy to jump to the resolutions and goals part, without ever reflecting on the previous year. Did you reflect? Did you look back and take stock of the last year or you just dove into setting some shiny new goals and resolutions? It’s kinda hard to do anything differently or better, or to continue something if you haven’t actually put some thought in it. I find asking myself these questions has helped me set and achieve my goals year after year, and they could help you too.